👨Personalizing with Profile Photos

One campaign variation that we've seen a lot of success with (over 4.5% positive reply rates) involves including our prospects LinkedIn profile photo alongside our picture at the top of our Cuda page:

To try this out in your campaign, start by putting together a lead list that includes your prospects profile picture. You can do this anyway you like, but one reliable way we've found is using Clay.com's "Enrich Person from LinkedIn Profile".

Once you have a CSV including Profile Picture Urls (example shown below), create a new campaign in Cuda and upload your leads.

Within the page builder, add a new Content Section of type Image 🤝 Image

Within the Image 🤝 Image editor, upload a photo of yourself for the first picture and then insert your dynamic {{Personal Photo Url}} variable as the second variable.

Finally, to make sure everything is work, preview a few of your leads to make sure it's working as expected. As long as you've provided a functional photo url for all of your leads, you should be off to the races.

Last updated