⁉️Why Custom Sales Pages?

Email & LinkedIn inboxes are more cluttered than ever. It's still possible to succeed in cold outbound (I know because it's the primary growth driver for our business) but only if you're in the top 10% of the craft.

Today, the cold outreach I receive falls into 3 buckets

(1) Calendly up front: The Calendly up front approach is to push "booking a time" on your Calendly as the primary ask in each and every message you send. When I was just getting started, I went with this approach and the results were abysmal. The problem with this strategy is that you're asking a lot from someone who doesn't know you to book a 30 minute meeting after 3 sentences of cold email copy. A 3 sentence hook may catch someone's attention but it's not enough to establish any real credibility.

(2) More Info up front: The more info up front approach focuses around using your cold email copy as a hook to push prospects to watch a recorded demo or read your case study. Since it's a lower commitment ask than booking an in person demo, prospects are more likely to go for it. Once you've established credibility through the demo / case study, you can ask the prospect to book some time. I've had a lot of success sending recorded demos in the past though it can be a challenge to track who's seen your demo and it can still take several follow ups to close someone once they've seen the demo.

(3) Mind if I send over more info?: The "mind if I send over more info" approach is the most popular approach among cold outbound folks today. It's popular because (1) it saves you from sending a link up front, which can help with deliverability (2) it enables you to record a personalized demo for people who do respond. The drawbacks of this approach are (1) it's unnatural - why should someone have to ask to see more info when you can include it up front? (2) it adds another step to the already difficult process of taking a positive reply to booked demo / closed deal.

The Cuda Dream

If we allow ourselves to dream for a moment - what would our cold outreach look like if we were able to take the best of each of these approaches while minimizing the drawbacks?

  • It would require less steps (and friction) for both us and the prospect to progress along the sales journey. If they want to see a demo, read my case study, and book a demo, it shouldn't require several back and forth messages that are a drain on both our resources and opportunities for drop off.

  • We wouldn't ask our prospect to make any big jumps like going straight from the first cold email to booking a 30 minute chat. We should employ a "slippery slope" framework for building their interest.

  • Our outreach - from the start of the cold email, through the additional materials we send, to the calendar booking experience, should be relevant and catered to our prospects unique needs.

  • We should have analytics that show us where leads drop off throughout the funnel so we can optimize each step and re-engage leads based on where they dropped off.

  • Our outreach should stand out in a cluttered inbox. Not through traditional AI gimmicks but because it's targeted and personal.

This dream is the vision we have for Cuda. At it's core, we provide an engine to generate custom, targeted sales pages for each of your outbound leads that have your offer, your demo, & your calendar wrapped into one. If you take the 15 minutes to set up your account, you'll get

A custom sales page for each lead of your outbound campaign:

Dynamic, rich social previews to stand out in LinkedIn (and any other) DMs you use for outreach:

An exportable CSV of all your leads with their custom sales page links to share via your outbound automation tool at scale:

And a de-anonymized view of every page interaction so you can optimize your funnel and re-engage leads:

Hopefully if you've made it here you're feeling inspired to get started. With that, let's get you set up 🤘🤘🤘

Last updated